by Hue Manchain | Jun 22, 2023 | News & Events
Looking back ½ of the way through 2023, Manchains thanks you for always loving and trusting Manchains. With that love, you are always persistent, trying to create opportunities and work more to bring to life and higher income Manchains is very happy and happiness to...
by Hue Manchain | Jun 15, 2023 | News & Events
Manchains is proud to be the licensed unit to bring electrician workers to Indonesia to work for oil refinery and thermal power projects. The workers will participate in interviews and select the best skilled workers to work in Indonesia. (Electrician Interview) All...
by Hue Manchain | Jun 12, 2023 | News & Events
In 2023, in general, the Covid situation has stabilized again, so the trend of going to Malaysia for Labor Export is still maintained and strongly developed. Moreover, in Vietnam, businesses are tending to reduce their workforce, so the unemployment rate has increased...
by Hue Manchain | Jun 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
The employee is fully paid by the employer under the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) program. Employees are introduced and interviewed via Zoom software Employees are oriented by the employer’s human resources department before flying in Vietnam Outgoing...
by Hue Manchain | May 14, 2022 | Construction manpower, News & Events, Uncategorized
With the trust of the Employee- PT. THE SIXTH CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, Manchain continues to bring skilled workers such as 6g welders, pipe fitters, tailors, translators to work at oil refinery and thermal power projects in Indonesia. Image of the oil...